Holiday Harmony: How to Enjoy Quality Time with Your Family and Keep the Peace

Marly Benedicto
4 min readDec 23, 2022


When it comes to family, communication is key. Having a blast with your family when you have overcome differences can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

The first step in having a successful and enjoyable time together as a family is learning how to communicate effectively with each other. Whether it’s talking about the past or discussing future plans, making sure everyone feels heard and respected can go a long way towards helping bridge any gaps between members of the family. It’s important that everyone has an opportunity to express their feelings and opinions without fear of judgement or criticism from others in the group. This helps create an environment where all perspectives are valued, which will make it easier for people to work through disagreements they may have had in the past.

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and loved ones to come together in celebration. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of stress and conflict as families gather from near and far. Family feuds can quickly take the joy out of the season if left unchecked. Encourage open dialogue by asking questions about what people think instead of making assumptions based on past experiences with them or generalizations about how they should act in certain situations.

Another great way to bring your family closer together is by engaging in activities that allow everyone to get involved and enjoy themselves at the same time. Going on hikes, playing board games, going out for dinner — these are all great ways for families to bond while also having fun! Taking part in activities like this allows individuals within the group to learn more about one another while also creating memories that will last forever!

You can avoid drama during your holiday gathering is setting boundaries ahead of time with all involved parties so everyone knows where they stand before coming together in one place. If someone tends to bring up controversial topics at every get-together, let them know beforehand that those conversations won’t be welcome this year so no one gets blindsided while trying to enjoy themselves later on down the line. Additionally, if you know there will be heated debates over political issues around your dinner table then agree upon ground rules such as “no name calling” before anyone sits down for food so tempers don’t flare up too quickly once things start getting heated again later on into dessert course (if you make it that far).

Don’t forget that even though things may not always be perfect between members of your family, there’s still plenty of love present — so don’t hesitate to show affection whenever possible! A hug here or there goes a long way towards strengthening relationships between loved ones; plus it’ll help remind them just how much you care about them despite any issues you might have faced before coming back together again as one big happy unit!

It’s also important to remember that everyone comes from different backgrounds and perspectives — and it’s OK if those views differ from yours! Try not to take offense when someone expresses an opinion that differs from yours; instead, listen respectfully and ask questions if needed so you can better understand where they’re coming from before responding with your own point of view. Be considerate that there may be members of your family who tensions already run high due our current global climate filled with uncertainty & fearfulness surrounding COVID-19 pandemic & its implications/effects worldwide (especially within close knit communities like ours). Instead focus more energy onto finding common ground amongst yourselves & actively listening to each other’s points-of-view without letting personal feelings cloud judgment unnecessarily.

Finally, try not to get too wrapped up in trying to make sure everyone gets along perfectly all the time; disagreements will happen but there doesn’t need to be drama attached every time something goes differently than expected! Instead of getting angry over small things like who sits where at dinner or how long people stay after dessert is served, focus on creating positive memories together as a family by playing games or telling stories around the table after dinner is finished — whatever brings out everyone’s best selves!

At the end of day remember: love always trumps hate; patience > anger; understanding > ignorance; compassion > indifference; kindness > cruelty — therefore let us strive for betterment via constructive dialogue instead destructive criticism whenever possible. Happy holidays y’all!! 🎄🤗

If you’re looking to further develop your communication and compassion skills, consider taking part in Marly Benedicto’s 3 month private coaching or join us for the upcoming 6-week group Harmonize program. Marly will help you identify the triggers that cause judgment, learn how to manage them, and develop the communication skills to work towards a more harmonious connection with yourself and those around you. Take this opportunity to grow — join us today!



Marly Benedicto
Marly Benedicto

Written by Marly Benedicto

Are you ready to take your communication and life to the next level? Join Marly's weekly Harmonize course & learn how to empower clear and honest communication.

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